CALL TO ACTION founder Renee Bracey Sherman states in the documentary, “abortion storytelling has changed the conversation”.
There is no one who has more expertise about abortion than the person who has an abortion, and this film not only positions abortion storytellers as the experts, it centers their lived experiences and first-person testimonials as the dominant narrative. For too long, pro choice politicians have allowed the anti-choice opposition to take up all the space in the room, spreading misinformation and dominating the narrative.
This film is targeted toward pro choice viewers – the more than 60% of Americans who believe abortion should remain legal. But we are not the loudest voice in the room, and haven’t been for decades as evidenced by the onslaught of anti-choice legislation that successfully wound its way through state legislatures, U.S. Congress, and the Supreme Court.
So what has changed since the June 2022 Supreme Court Dobbs decision overturning Roe v Wade? Abortion storytelling. When an individual speaks up about their experience, they are pushing back on the narrative that this is an uncomfortable or unpopular topic. With 1 in 4 Americans needing this procedure, it is likely that the person getting an abortion is either you, or someone you know.
With this in mind, the call-to-action for ‘Someone You Know’ is to support and donate to WeTestify – a prominent storytelling and advocacy organization in the United States, helping storytellers share their experiences in media, on Capitol Hill, in court houses across the country, and in documentaries like this.
We want to empower others to share their experience, and be part of a forward-thinking movement that is enabling change on abortion rights state by state, voice by voice, story by story.